'd better と should の差 の答えです。
1. You'd better not be late again or you'll lose your job. 2. You should start waking up earlier. 3. Why are you so late?! You should have arrived sooner. 4. John is late again, he should have gotten here 30 minutes ago. 5. The movie's going to start soon, we'd better leave soon or we'll miss it. 6. I saw a really great action movie last night, you should see it. 7. I studied hard for the test this week, I should be able to pass it. 8. Dad said he'd punish you he caught you drunk again. You 'd better not do it again. でした。 コメントの受け付けは終了しました。
筆者プロフィール雅(みやび)タウンゼント Adamorbis
アダモービス 新刊 全国の三省堂書店で 絶賛販売中! 画像をクリック |